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Health & Wellness

The Intricate Dance of Mind and Body: Exploring the Influence of the Psyche on Pain-Perception.

Pain, in simple terms, is an unpleasant sensation or feeling that your body sends to…
Health & Wellness

Elevating Your Well-being: Back and Neck Pain Specialists in Mayfair and Hammersmith

Back and neck pain can have a huge impact on our quality of life as…
Health & Wellness

Holistic Healing in London Mayfair: Your Path to Well-being at Our Osteopathy Clinic

Located in the heart of Mayfair in London’s West End, Mayfair Osteopathy provides a unique…
As a student of Osteopathic Medicine in the late 1990’s and soon after qualifying as a Registered Osteopath, the most common presenting problem in the clinic in those days was lower back pain, which was much more common in manual workers whose days mainly consisted of bending, lifting and carrying. However, over time, more and more sedentary workers have needed osteopathic care, usually presenting with neck and upper back issues. The reason for this has been two fold; one is that the technological revolution has resulted in more of the workforce being seated for much longer hours than before and secondly the advent of tablets and smart phones have created new ergonomic issues that we are still struggling to deal with effectively.
Health & Wellness

Addressing Forward Head Posture in the Digital Age: Osteopathic Insights and Practical Solutions

As a student of Osteopathic Medicine in the late 1990’s and soon after qualifying as…

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